Batteries Included is a club that has been run by the City of Las Vegas for years. Their goals are aimed at getting students involved in the community and getting a headstart in professional careers.
There are several high schools in the valley that are a part of the program. Mr. Diamond, the club adviser and counselor, says that the club is a four-pronged teaching club: “Teachers, education, community service, education.” During typical club meetings, they discuss things like resume building, leadership in the community, and future fundraising and community service events.
An upcoming event that Jasmine Ayon, junior Theater major and Sergeant-at-Arms, says she is looking forward to is the Connections Meeting. “Connections meetings are where all Batteries Included clubs at high schools meet up together at one high school and just have activity circled around one of our values.”
They provide snacks and fun activities as well as lots of community service opportunities. Since it’s a city-run program, it has government funding and free transportation to and from events. It’s also a non-profit organization that participates in park cleanups and similar activities.
Batteries Included meets after school from 2:15-3:30 on Thursdays in M15. See their Instagram page @lvabatteries.