The known debate, where is the best water in the school has been put to the test. We decided to put our taste buds to the test and tried as many water fountains on campus as possible. We got hydrated, but this experience was terrible. A lot of water was really bad and we felt sick afterwards.
Frazier water fountain 7:43 :This water is at the top of the list. It didn’t have a terrible aftertaste and it wasn’t too warm unlike the water fountains on upper campus. This is probably the best one. It was cold, had an icy start, and tasted like snow. Overall we would give this water the top rating on our list.
Post Fountains 7:46 :The Post water probably comes in fourth or fifth place. It kind of had a hint of copper, iron and algae. It was room temperature and tasted like the water you would get at a fast food place. We spit this out. It wasn’t that good.
Cafeteria Fountains 7:52 :These fountains are cold but not crisp. They kind of taste like Dasani or Fiji water but left in the car for a while. They weren’t that bad, but if you want good water, you’re probably better off going to the cage.
Second floor Main 7:55 :This one was really concerning. Right off the bat, we noticed it was green. It had obviously been green for some time as the water was not clearing the green away. This fountain was really crusty and gross and the taste of the water matched how it looked. It was warm and it tasted like dirt and nail polish remover with baking soda. It did not taste good. We didn’t even swallow it, we spit it out almost immediately.
Top Main Fountains 8:01 :The fountains in top Main were probably the worst ones we came across on our entire water tasting. They were warm and tasted like chlorine and iron. Even after tasting other waters, the taste was still in our mouths and we could not get it out. We spit all the water from the Main building out.
Bottom Main Fountains 8:23 :Water from these fountains tasted like chlorine and river rocks. One fountain tastes less like chlorine. It’s not bad, but it’s not good. You could get better water in a different building but if you really need to this one is the best option in Main.
Top floor Knapp 8:03 :It’s not too bad. If you really need water this is a pretty good option. It was a nice experience, but there are definitely better options than this. It was almost crisp, at least and it didn’t have a bad aftertaste.
Visual Arts 7:38 :The VA fountain was almost as good as Frazier. It tasted like snow and didn’t have a bad aftertaste, but unfortunately it didn’t have a crisp start.
In conclusion from what we’ve tasted, we’ve compiled a list in order of the fountains from best to worst.
- Frazier
- Visual Arts
- Top of Knapp
- Bottom Main
- Post
- Cafeteria
- Top of Main
- Second Floor MainSecond floor of Main water fountain.