In 2023, a study by WordsRated showed that people are more likely to watch television than read a book. However, reading can provide more benefits than television can. With the usage of unique words and worldbuilding, reading can cause an increase in creativity and emotional understanding.
When I read a book, I find my creativity and innovation increasing since I’m visualizing the story as it progresses. Even those who struggle with visualization should still read since it can broaden their knowledge and give them new ideas, which can help in enhancing their creativity as found by a study by the APA.
While some might argue that seeing the story on a screen instead of visualizing the story on your own is better. I find that increasing your creativity levels by doing something as simple and enjoyable as reading makes it feel more natural and less like a chore.
While I can form an emotional connection with characters from TV shows, I gain much deeper bonds through reading. If I’m using my imagination to visualize the story, I’m more likely to feel attached to the characters than just seeing them go through the plot from an outsider perspective. Making reading a much better hobby out of the two in terms of connection.
One of the reasons I experience a block when it comes to deeper connections with movies or TV shows, ads. There is nothing more annoying than having something I’m investing time in, be interrupted by something I don’t care for. While some Ebooks might have an ad here and there, TV shows have them so much that the ones on Ebooks pale in comparison. Either the ads come during the most exciting parts of the show or take so long that I start to forget the plot of the show.
Even while watching ad-free shows, blatant product placement, (especially in K-Dramas) can cause a detachment in the story, something that doesn’t happen in books since writers do not need product advertisements or the ability even to place an ad in the middle of your reading.
After a long day, watching TV might sound more appealing, but allowing yourself to experience the greater benefits of reading is even better. Enjoying a book with amazing storytelling and imagery that creates strong connections is so much better than watching TV.