Lilies are beautiful and fairly popular flowers known for their delicate and pretty appearance. There are many different types, ranging from Black Charm lilies to Magic Star lilies. But do you know their origin or their meaning?
Most lilies originated from the Northern Hemisphere, in areas including Japan, China, North America, Taiwan, and the Middle East. They are also one of the oldest known plants in the world and were used by the ancient Romans and Greeks for medicinal purposes.
Lilies used to be hard to grow and unaffordable for many people. However, once they began being hybridized, they became lower maintenance and can now be easily grown. Hybridized lilies are split into 9 divisions, including Asiatic lilies, Oriental lilies, Aurelian trumpet lilies, Candidum hybrid lilies, and Longiflorum hybrid lilies.
An example of an Oriental lily is the Stargazer lily. It is one of the most popular lily varieties, and they are gorgeous pink flowers with a lovely aroma. Another one includes the Magic Star lily, a flower with large and ruffled petals, and that also has no pollen. An example of an Asiatic lily would be the Black Charm lily, one with a deep blackberry hue, and great for those who love dark flowers.
Lilies symbolize purity, life, and remembrance, often linked to religious iconography. They also represent new beginnings and renewal. This mainly stems from their relation to the Virgin Mary and Christ‘s rise from death. In Christian symbolism, the flower was used as the attribute of the Virgin Saints. It can be seen in many paintings as a symbol of purity which has made it known as the flower of the Virgin.
Lilies also have certain qualities to them that may attract not only customers, but also florists. In an article written by Kristina Rimiene, a florist and owner of the shop Studio Flores, she said, “Sometimes just a single lily hidden in a hair can create a real veil of romance and mystery that would enrich any fashion show on the stage or a photo session.” She also said, “Nowadays, we see so many different kinds of lilies which we can only marvel at and admire. Full-bodied, large-flowered, small-flowered, multi-flowered, and with a wide range of colors and shades.” Thus, the beauty and abundant variety of lilies make them lovely and appealing to many!