The Las Vegas Arts of the Academy (LVA) Jazz Department is one of the best programs in the state and has 3 jazz bands: Jazz 1, Jazz 2, and Jazz 3. The World Jazz Studies represents a program at LVA that’s truly committed to inspiring young students with their creative minds in the field of jazz. They focus on young students becoming better and stronger, hard working musicians.
The LVA Jazz Department is a community where everyone helps one another to get better and gives each other tips for what they need to work on. They’re making the jazz students become better people for the real world and help students if they want to make music as a career.
People are passionate about how they play and their dedication to music. In the jazz department LVA students care about and help one another. “Throughout the four years I’ve been here, it’s helped me a lot, because I feel like I gained a lot of knowledge, and I’ve learned how to be ready for college,” senior jazz major Skyy Tyrell said. “The LVA jazz department is a blessing.”
Every year the Jazz Department wants to represent the concerts the students have here. They have different events like concerts during fall and winter, as well as combos where a group of people play. If It’s a jazz club there is a pianist, a drummer, a tenor sax, and a trumpet. Every year , they have an event where famous guest artists come and do clinics, and all the students from other schools compete at the Las Vegas Jazz Invitational. It is a fun opportunity and it gives students experience for what they might do in the future. Guest artists come by and play with students or they teach them in the clinic. Later in the year, the Jazz 3 top band travels to different parts of the world. This year the World Jazz Studies are going to Idaho and Puerto Rico.
It’s a great program that has a lot of really great opportunities for kids. It also creates an environment for kids to constantly motivate one another. The LVA Jazz department gives students an opportunity they will never forget and many memories. It’s an exciting and great environment where kids get to play real swinging jazz.