Do some trends just make you wanna throw up and throw your phone out the window? From cringy skits to crazy influencer trends, let’s talk about some trends we find annoying or just love to hate!
1. The constant naming of makeup trends
All these new makeup trends- strawberry makeup, latte makeup, milk makeup, and orange blossom makeup are unnecessary. All these makeup trends are just adding extra bronzer, highlighter, or blush but adding a fancy name. There is nothing much to it except the exaggerated names and overdone product placement, which upsets a lot of makeup artists.
2. Rage Baiting
Rage Baiting is a tactic used by creators to post negative or controversial content just to attract attention. It feels like they make people mad or annoyed solely for views. After a while, people tend to believe these outrageous opinions and thoughts are real even though it’s all staged and for show.
3. “I’m not like other girls.”
This trend is literally in the name. It’s when a girl tries to act like she’s different from others, for example, saying she hates drama and makeup and doesn’t like doing what other girls do and calls herself “one of the boys”. It’s quite close to what many people call a “pick me.” It’s a stereotype that puts down other women when it shouldn’t be that way, and you should express yourself proudly!
4. Mukbangers
Mukbangs are when creators record themselves eating a specific type of food for either review or ASMR. This started off as a normal trend, but it’s come to a point where it’s become excessive and considered gluttony within the TikTok community. There is no reason why people should have a massive chipotle burrito dusted with Hot Cheeto powder and topped with a pound of queso, or get double of everything at In N Out, etc., more than once a day. This is very bad for a person’s health and well-being.
5. Losing Individuality
So many content creators like to make videos and ask, “What jackets are we getting for winter?” or “What shoes or bags are we getting for spring?” and while it’s not bad to follow trends, it strips away your individuality. Fashion seems to be getting less and less about what individuals like wearing and more about jumping on the newest trend because “it’s what everyone’s doing.” It’s okay to be yourself and not have to worry about what everyone else thinks or is doing.