The first cell phone was created in 1973, and since then, technology has rapidly taken over the world. It has allowed for rapid global communication, enhanced medical studies and discoveries, and made human life easier to manage. However, with these rapid improvements, it has become almost impossible to engage with society without technology. While these achievements are significant,, it is important to be aware of the issues that modern technology brings, including anxiety, relationships, and attitude.
Before the increase in technology usage, human interaction was mainly in person. With social media, interacting with others has been placed behind a screen, making it easier to connect without face-to-face interaction. Due to the normalization of connecting through social media, in-person interactions have become rare and difficult to navigate. For the younger generation, surrounded by phones and social media, online interactions are all they know. This can induce social anxiety, which can be detrimental to mental health.
Modern technology has also changed relationships–romantic, platonic, and familial. Some of the changes have been for the better, allowing people to stay connected no matter the distance. However, reliance on technology means that when people are together, they might be on their phones, scrolling through social media, or connecting with others while ignoring relationships right in front of them. Additionally, online dating apps have transformed the creation of relationships, often reducing meaningful connections to photos and text bubbles with the intention of romance without genuine engagement.
People have changed their attitude with the world because of technology. Technological advancements were created to make everyday activities simpler to manage. For example, transportation, such as trains, were developed to make traveling easier. The same is true for smartphones, which were created to engage people. However, smartphones and social media can lead to lower attention spans, high expectations, and less effort. For every beautiful scenery the world offers, people have found ways to integrate modern technology into it.
Modern technology is not inherently bad; it’s the way that it is used and its addictive nature that can be problematic. To prevent technology from dictating our lives, it’s important to set boundaries such as screen time limits and allowing ourselves to spend time without devices. Modern technology isn’t ruining lives: we just need to be cautious about how we approach and interact with it.