In Las Vegas, it’s not uncommon to find a mural while driving or walking, especially downtown where there is a mural on almost every building you see. Some are massive and some are a little smaller, but all of them mean something. This list is made up of the most controversial murals you can find in Downtown Las Vegas
Name: “Molotov Cocktail with American Flag”

This mural depicts a Molotov cocktail being lit by a match, but the cloth used is the American flag. This is most controversial because it shows an object that causes destruction, with the source of destruction being the American flag. It relates to modern times where America is causing significant “destruction” to other countries around the world.
Name: “Chain Migration”

This mural depicts the Statue of Liberty being handcuffed on the hood of a car that says “U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement” or ICE. This mural makes a statement about how ICE is stealing the liberty of immigrants who migrate to America, and how ICE’s actions go against the value of “liberty” that this country usually stands by.
Name: “Elon Musk Hailing Hitler on Virtual Dictator’s IRL Podium”

This mural depicts Elon Musk standing at a podium that states “Virtual Dictators In Real Life,” with an X above while he’s hailing Hitler. This mural is making a statement on Musk’s ownership of X, and how he controls what happens on the social media platform like a dictator, while on stage, not online, he hails a real dictator.
Name: “Justice Hostage”

This mural shows a police officer holding Lady Justice hostage. This mural brings attention to the ongoing issue of police brutality towards people of color and the importance of not ignoring it.
Name: “Burning Cybertruck”

This mural shows a Cybertruck on fire. The artist tries to convey the idea that this is just a car on fire, but the car has become a political symbol due toElon Musk’s ties to the White House and the president.