Ever since Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. was appointed Secretary of Health and Human Services, many Americans fear the changes he will make to the Health Department.
Fluoride in Water
RFK Jr. is pushing for the removal of fluoride in water, claiming that it causes Alzhemer’s, arthritis, autism, IQ loss, cancer, and bone fractures. The National Library of Medicine stated, “Fluoride (F) is rarely recognized among the environmental risk factors of ASD, since the neurotoxic effects of F are not generally accepted.” This means that there is no recognized link between autism or Alzhemer’s and fluoride water. There has been no link found between fluoride causing cancer, arthritis, or bone fractures.
Though too much fluoride can cause IQ loss, the amount of fluoride in water would not cause this. The amount of fluoride needed to cause IQ loss is over double the legal limit for fluoride.
However, fluoride is vital for dental health. Though too much fluoride can cause the tooth condition fluorosis, water in the United States would need double the amount of fluoride to cause the tooth condition fluorosis, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Raw Milk
RFK Jr. promised to end the Food and Drug Administration’s “aggressive suppression” of raw milk, according to What US Adults Think of RFK Jr. and his Views on Vaccines and Raw Milk.
There are many reasons why raw milk is dangerous. There are possibilities of raw milk bringing back e-coli, which could kill up to 17% of people who drink the raw milk. Pasteurization is a crucial part in the safety of milk, and without it many will suffer. Though there are few bioavailable enzymes, probiotics, and good bacteria, over 700 commensal bacteria species also reside in unpasteurized milk.
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. promises to address the, “overmedication of antidepressants towards minors.” RFK, Jr. voices that too many young people are being administered antidepressants, and dangerous side effects like suicidal thoughts are not taken into account. Drugs like Lexapro, Prozac, and Zoloft have been proven to be non-addictive. Even some of the worst side effects like suicidal thoughts only increase slightly.
On top of that, very few adolescents are on antidepressants. Only 3.4% of minors in the United States are on antidepressants, and the rate has been decreasing in recent years. This is because the process for getting antidepressants as an underage person can be very difficult.
RFK, Jr.’s stance on vaccines is concerning to many. In the early March of 2025, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. equated contracting measles with getting the measles vaccine. In Texas, a measles outbreak is spreading rapidly. There have already been two confirmed deaths and over 220 cases of measles.
Without stricter regulations on vaccines for dangerous diseases and infections like measles, more casualties are to come.
What Can I Do To Change This?
If you want to make your voice heard, you can contact the Department of Health and Human Services. Calling or emailing the department is a wonderful way to make your voice heard in a safe and legal way.