Spotlight: Ms. Bergquist


On January 12th, 2022, we got the chance to interview Ms. Bergquist in her room. She is one of the English teachers here at LVA, and we got to ask her a couple of questions about herself. 

Her room is set up very nicely with fairy lights, butterflies, and a slight pine forest smell. We also can’t forget the cardboard cutout of Othello. Ms. Bergquist is very warm and welcoming to everyone. The first question we asked Ms. B was “What do you do outside of school?” 

She answered, “I play a lot of video games and I play Dungeons and Dragons, and I read a lot of books.” This is a good insight into the things she likes to do, with her hobbies being very focused in the fantasy and fictional category.

We as writers were also able to share some opinions. Words Isabella Eyre uses to describe Ms. Bergquist as a person are that she is a great listener, open-minded, and energetic. Ms. B is clearly able to listen to students, willing to think openly, and is also able to have high energy, despite teaching her students, grading papers, and putting up with students all day. 

Isabella Eyre’s favorite piece of literature Ms.B has taught her is the Great Gatsby. It had complex literature that she made easy to understand. Ms. Bergquist isn’t afraid to delve into more complicated books.
Ms. B stands out from others to Eyre because she creates a very positive learning environment and is a really great listener. She cares really deeply about her students.

The last question we asked Ms. B was “What do you like about English the most?” She responded,“The literature! I love reading stuff with my kids and having them find little details or pointing out something that’s like, ‘Oh do you guys see what happened here?’ I love your guys’ reactions. I love teaching you guys books; it’s my favorite.” Ms. B is very passionate about English and shares her positivity within teaching. She helps all of her students build self love. All around, she is an amazing and beloved teacher. 

Addison Williams, one of her students and a contributor on this piece, also shared her opinions about Ms. B. When asked to describe three words about Ms. Bergquist, she used “Positive, optimistic, and smart.” Students have had a very similar experience with Ms. B, as the description words are very positive. 

We then went on to ask, “How has your love for English changed since being a student for Ms. B? She responded, “I would say I love English a lot more. I learned so much in her class as a student and she’s just made the class a great environment to be a part of.”

Overall, students love Ms. B. She creates such a great learning environment for students in class and cares for everyone deeply. She is very passionate about English and encourages students to love English as well. We were very happy to interview her and get to know her better.